I wish the whole world had my view tonight. There is just something special about sitting outside in the evening. What if we lived in Chicago or New York or any highly populated area where people are stacked many stories high? I cannot imagine that. Do they ever have an evening as I am enjoying tonight? My imagination runs wild sometimes and I think and wonder about others. especially about those folks living in high rises without a balcony and in deplorable conditions. Maybe they have a window, maybe not. How sad it must be.
Here it is the Labor Day eve we are blessed with a near perfect night. On this particular night, not one sound do I hear except a leaf blower off in the far distance. Even the neighbor has put his away for the night. Now nothing. SILENCE. No wind at all which is extremely rare in Oklahoma. The sound of silence.
We will go inside in a bit, but for now we are going to soak up this blessing a little bit longer unless the mosquitos decide to have dinner on us.
Enjoy your Labor Day and for us retired folks, you will find us on the porch.
I love you.
Oh wait! I hear a noise! The geese just flew over. Goodnight all. It's all about the blessings.