Friday, September 8, 2023

I Want to do it Myself

My hubby….In the more time.  He’s changing the struts on the 20 year-old Jaguar….I can’t believe our cute little car is 20 years old.  So here we are, me on the computer watching my favorite person in the whole world work on the car.  

It’s only 96 degrees….not that bad.  Since we have gotten older, heat isn’t nearly as daunting as it was when we were in our 40s.  So if you come to our house and the temperature control is set at 80, please understand……and turn down the air.  Don’t you worry, we will turn it back after you leave.  Forgive us please!  One of these days you might be cold when the temp reaches 80….you will understand around age 75.


“Why are you working on the car when we could take it to a repair shop?”, I asked.  With a strong voice and a sense of pride he told me he wanted to “just do it myself”.  I understood immediately.  Sometimes I just want to do it myself, too.

Don’t you worry, I will be right here beside him just like the old days.  If that photo looks a little scary to you, believe you me, he puts safety first.  Nonetheless, I checked it out myself. Just did it himself.  

I love you. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Just Another Saturday Night

Have you been outside tonight?

I am going to suggest you get outside, right now, right this minute.  This minute will never come again.  Okay, I know if you read this sometime in the future this minute has done and gone.  (My English teacher wouldn't like that grammar.). See how fast time slips away?  Gosh, even now, that minute has passed for me and another one is almost gone.  

Well that was a bit of a downer, wasn't it?  Let's lighten things up and remember our blessings.  

1.  It is a beautiful night.  The frogs and cricket noises are so loud tonight, but after a while they are just background noise. It is funny that ever once in a while they will ALL totally shut up.  Then the silence is almost as loud as the frogs.  All that noise brings back camping memories.

2.  The air is so cool that I can feel fall in the air.  Despite the heat of the summer day, in July and August Oklahoma nights begin to cool, not ever night but some:  The humidity has something to do with this.  While I type, the back of my arms are cool and a light wrap might feel nice.  

3.  Bouncing basketballs, children laughing. something that sound like sparklers sizzling, and now and again a crying two year old is also what I hear.  A new young couple with two younger children have moved across the street.  They are putting new life into our retirement age neighborhood.  It is nice to know that our quiet neighborhood will continue to be a beautiful place to read a family.  Dad...keep bouncing the basketball.  It brings happiness to this woman who lives across the street.

4.  When we built here 45 years ago, everyone on our street was about the same age with growing families.  Some of the neighbors moved on, some have passed away, but some are still can only imagine how old we are now!!!!!!  As Cher would say, "and the beat goes on...and on...and on.  

5.  My heart is happy.  I have been in contact with most of my family in one way or another this week.  My brother-in-law had a health scare this week, but seems to be doing better.  That is a blessing and an answered prayer.

6.  Yesterday, we laid a lot of sod with a lot of help from our grandsons and our daughter and son.  Today, the grass looks a little yellow at this point.  We will keep watering and fertilizing and maybe we will have green grass all the way to the street.  

7.  Tonight my daughter and son-in-law are at an outdoor concert.  I hope they have a lot of fun.  I have wonderful memories of doing the same thing some 40 years ago.  We need to make that happen again.

8.  Our son sent a picture of a chicken enchilada casserole he made just a bit ago.  I cannot explain how much the little blond-haired boy has changed. Where was this chef in 1993?  He loves to cook....this...the boy who only microwaved bologna...oh wait....he could make the best macaroni according to his sister.  By the way, microwaved bologna stinks to high heaven.

9.  My man is sitting across from me scrolling through his tablet;  living his best life.  Therefore, I am living my best life.  Well, that's about all I have to write tonight.  Getting back to writing is much harder than I thought.  When I went to get the laptop I had wonderful things to tell you and a wonderful way of putting them down on the blog, but when I started typing words did not come.  I have read things about writers block for published authors.  That would be so frustrating knowing one had a deadline to complete a book.  

10.  I am grateful that I don't have a deadline.  I am grateful for that apricot fried pie that I am about to split with Johnny and grateful to top it with ice cream.

Everyone, have a wonderful night.  I love you.  Just to let you know, he doesn't want pie and ice cream.  Back in the freezer it goes.......insert sad face......




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