I'm a little bored so it just seems the right time to list a few things I think girls ought to do once in a while. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves and our problems and that is when we need to stand back and take some time for ourselves. Get a better perspective. Some of these thing are outrageous, some are cute, some are serious, some are costly, and some cost nothing. So in no particular order, here is Regina's list of things.....just things.
Buy yourself some cut flowers. Grocery store or florist......it really doesn't matter. Do it for yourself without guilt. If you can't afford flowers, color some child-like flowers and put them on the refrigerator.
Take a child to the park.......borrow one if you have to..........and if you can't find one, jump on a swing yourself and swing as high as you can. Might want to scream when you get to the highest point.
At least once, just once, paint your toenails a bright gold or green or blue or yellow, some wild color. "When I am old, I shall wear purple."
Try a new recipe.....something a little complicated or something made with an ingredient you have never bought before. And the next day, make an old family favorite, perhaps your grandma's Wacky Cake.
Some night, sleep with the window open.
Watch a TV program from beginning to end without your phone, your Ipad, or you computer in the same room. You'd be surprised how entertaining it can be without the iPhone distraction.
Memorize Psalm 23. You may need those words at hand some day.
Get a massage or pedicure and do not feel guilty, but remember to get a nail color that
isn't you.
Buy yourself a cute pair of rain boots - and grab your umbrella on the next rainy day and take a walk.
Surely it will rain again in Oklahoma.
Read an epic novel. Reread a favorite book. Read (or reread) Joan of Arc. Didn't everybody read Joan of Arc in high school?
Go to the movies with a girlfriend. You be the one to initiate it.
Fast one meal once a week and spend the time giving thanks that you have plenty of food.
Watch a black and white movie.
Treat yourself to a latte once in a while.
Eat dessert first or maybe just eat dessert for a meal.
Skinny dip. This is on my bucket list. Don't gag. Surprise you? Does me, but why not. No, I do not want anybody to be anywhere near the pool, I just want to be "free" just one time. Now I have to find an secluded pool. Don't worry, it will never happen.
Call your best friend from high school. Surprise her. I am sure she/he will be delighted.
Buy yourself a great smelling candle.
Plant basil. Run your hands through it all summer. You can't help but smile when you smell that scent. Better yet, plant chives in a corner of the yard and you senses will be delighted every time you mow.
Tomorrow tell someone how fabulous they look. Be truthful though so find the
right person. It
can be a stranger.
Next time you wash your pjs, hang them and let them dry outside. They will smell divine and fresh and when you climb into bed, there will a smile on your lips.
Give someone a little surprise; cupcake, book, candle, cup of coffee......doesn't have to be a biggie. Just be nice to someone. You just never know what it will mean to them.
Soak in a warm scented bath. Light that wonderful candle I told you to buy, turn down the lights and relax.
Make chocolate dipped strawberries and eat one or two, but don't be selfish. Give the rest to your neighbor.
Tell someone
other than your significant other or a relative that you love them. Your heart will be filled.
Color your hair.
Talk to another girl about makeup! Yes, discuss makeup. Not kids, not husbands, not cleaning. Makeup!
Give thanks. Don't ask for anything, just give thanks.
Take a weekend trip with your best girlfriends. Take cash.
Cry and after that........
Laugh for 15 seconds and laugh for no reason other than to hear yourself. Laugh when nothing is funny, just laugh.
Do 15 jumping jacks and declare either 1) "That felt great. I am going to make that my daily ritual." or 2) "Been there/Done that and I will never do that again, EVER."
Apologize - you know who you need to apologize to. Speaking to myself here.
I love you!!!