Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Perfect Little Dress........

Have you ever found the perfect dress and then wasn't the perfect dress for you?

I found my perfect dress.  The dress, my perfect dress, has a tribal vibe (okay that's the catalog's words) maxi, which is perfect for me.  I love a maxi for summer; something to wear instead of shorts which I quit wearing in public in 1981.   Is this the dress for the summer 2019 vacation of/in my dreams?  The dress I might wear to the little ocean side restaurant in the vacation in my dreams???? The print is not my usual flowery look so the hummingbirds won't  mistake me for a tropical drink of sugar water so I'm all good.  I think it's a GO!  Put it in the cart................

Then............REALITY.  It's a little too low cut.  March on by boys; nothing attractive to see here these days.  It is sleeveless........and need I mention I haven't worn sleeveless since 1981 either?  I could get a shawl though.  I'd definitely would need to have a tan to wear this little maxi............but I could get a tan on my imaginary vacation.......the one in my dreams.  And I'd need the jewelry which the catalog model is wearing with it, but it is over half the cost of the dress.  And the sandals........I'd need those sandals which are twice the cost of the dress.............  Of course, I would spend the cash since I am going on the imaginary vacation of my no object!  And I'd need to loose 20 pounds to look cute in the dress...........but, of course, I'd loose the 20 pounds because I'd be going on the imaginary vacation in my dreams.  I think it's still a GO!  I'm going to hit that send button....................

But still............what is it that prevents me from hitting the send button????......OH!  I remember............I am not 30 years old!!!  Shut the computer up...........not gonna get it!   

I love you.




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