Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Spring seems to have come over night in Oklahoma this year. And welcome it is. We haven't had all that much bad weather this winter, in fact, other than a couple of deep snows, moisture has been non-existent. We really need the rain. It is the beginning of tornado season if there is such a season. Now bad as that sounds the rains will be surely welcome this year. In addition to the rain, my son-in-law's (side job) cellar door replacement business will pick up.

Now that hubby and I are both feeling better there really has been no excuse for not walking again. In 2009 we were walking 2 1/2 miles per day, up hills to boot. Then our health had some minor issues and we used those to quit (you noticed I didn't say slow down) walking altogether. So for the last three days we have walked those 2 1/2 miles each day. We both remembered 2009 and how good we felt. How we had no problems walking at high altitudes with lots of inclines - no huffing and puffing. Why did we ever quit? Now we are in the throes of achy joints and tired muscles AGAIN! I can only imagine how much better my cellulite legs would be had I been walking for the last year, too.

I took some pictures this weekend of something other than my grandsons much to their delight. I often hear "Nana, why do you take so many pictures of us?" "Because you are so cute", I say. I thought I would give the boys a break and shoot pictures of things that don't care if the camera is within 2 feet of it. But......Oklahoma has only about 10 minutes during a typical day without wind. Not just a breeze mind you, but 25 mph gust with a head wind of about 15 all day long! Oh I forgot, there are those 10 minutes scattered throughout the 12 hours of daylight. So if you take 200 photos perhaps you can come up with a few where you can actually tell what you are shooting. I had fun trying different things with my camera. A photographer I am not, but I sure like to pretend.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what happened to our Forsythia in Dayton, ca. 2002





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