Monday, May 13, 2013

The Three Musketeers

Prague High School Prom
Nancy, Joyce, Regina
We were stepping out that night, many moons ago. 
None of us had dates even though at the time I
was dating.  Who needs dates for a prom?  Certainly not us.
Many years later we had a chance to catch up on old times at the Waterford in OKC. 
We were still just girls, laughing a giggling, flirting with the Monkeys and REO Speed Wagon.
OK, explanation:  Both groups were staying at the Waterford, too.  Nancy got autographs to prove it.

And here we are again, 1996.  This time we are at the very back of the
Opryland Hotel in Nashville, still giggling and laughing.
Make new friends,
but keep the old,
one is silver,
and the other gold.
Yes, these girls are my cherished golden friends.  These are the girls I shared so much with, both
in those high school years and the years that have followed.  Each of us have our own unique
life experiences and tragedies that we share when we are together.  We still have a lot in
common, but then again, nothing in common.  Forty-seven years have separated us.
Forty-seven years of LIFE and LIFE is an ever changing process!
We have gone our separate ways,
but these lovely ladies will
always be a part of my life.
They are part of what makes me, ME. 
I love you.
Memories:  In our senior year, Nancy had an old Cadillac--I think it was a 1949, but iffy on that.  For some reason we had that old Cadillac on the football field.  I think we were decorating the goal post, but memory is cloudy on this one.  Some boys came running up to the car and were trying to grab the keys out of the ignition.  Thought:  Maybe they were trying to stop us from driving on the football field...that just came to me.  Anyway back to my story.  I was in the middle of the front seat and tried to prevent them from getting that key so I put my foot up on the dash and when I did, I broke the key off in the ignition.  I remember giggling about that, but really it was a nervous spontaneous giggle because I was worried sick that I would get in trouble from Nancy's dad.  I didn't, so maybe she told them it was the boys.
Another time, I believe I was driving with a car load of girls.  That night we saw two hitchhikers at the Ellis courts.  We picked them up and took them out to Centerview and dropped them out.  Now Centerview is a community 3 or 4 miles from town and a good 15 miles to the next other town.  What in the world were we thinking, picking up hitchhikers especially at night????  
We were wild and crazy girls!!!!!!!!  Not really because we had 6 girls in the car when we crammed those boys in.  I guess we thought we could overpower them......again not thinking!!   

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