Tuesday, November 4, 2014

No Comments?

Good morning everyone.  As much as I talk about the evils of the Internet, there are certain Internet rituals I have to do every morning.  Here they are and in no particular order. 

1.  I open my email (only to discover all 26 emails are from people trying to sell me something)  Where did all my friends go..........the ones that used to email?  I say in jest, but I miss all those long emails my family used to send.  Now it is a quick one-liner.

2.  I check out Facebook.  (I am trying to give that a miss.  It is too taxing on my emotional state {put a smiley face here}.  It is an addiction and hard to kick the habit of looking.  I feel like a peeping Tom looking through some people's windows.)

3.  I check out the www.redriver.org webcam to see what has changed overnight there.

4.  I must check out Pinterest to see if anyone I know has pinned something interesting that I need to pin. 

5.  I check out www.agirlgonegourmet.blogspot.com to see if my little girl has posted anything.

6.  I have to check out my blog to see how many grammatical errors I have made on the last post (and to see if anybody commented -- side note -- nobody ever does....which brings me to number 7.

7.  Checking out www.thepioneerwoman.com .  Naturally she is a favorite of mine, but evidently she is a favorite amongst all the other woman in the USA and other countries........the woman has her own TV show for Pete's sake.  Today, however, I was beginning to feel sorry for her.  You see, I clicked on her website to read a post and there were ZERO comments.  I must have clicked on it as soon as she hit PUBLISH.  So....... after I read it, I refreshed my screen and there was ONE comment.  How can that be????  Then about 5 minutes later I refreshed and there were TEN comments.  Should I start feeling sorry for her? After all, this is a woman who can write "Hi" and 80,000 people say hi back.  But ten comments in five minutes!  Is she beginning to feel rejected, a has been????  Does she feel like nobody loves her?  Is she going to have to go eat worms?  Nah..........I think not.  She's pretty much got it all.

Not feeling rejected.  No, I'm not feeling rejected.  Not at all, for I, too, have it all.  Now I am going back over the PW to see how many comments she has.

I love you.



  1. I love getting comments! Do you think pioneer chick even reads her comments?

  2. Yes, sometimes, but probably not all of them or it would take her all day. I have seen some comments she has made to comments made to her.





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