Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Don’t Know Whether I’m Coming or Going

Good Morning Everybody.  There are days I don’t know whether I am coming or going.  Take yesterday for instance.  Here’s my funny tale or is it tragic?  I’ll let you decide and I know your answer will depend on where you are on your life’s timeline.

After a full fun day of shopping/looking at storm shelters, I headed off to bed.  As I was undressing I noticed a grease stain at the neckline of the red knit top I had been wearing all day long.  Well now, do I want to put some spot remover tonight or wait till morning?  Inspecting a little closer, I could see the imprint of a label.

What the heck????  Did I put this on backwards this morning???  Oh, heck yeah, I DID!!  I wore it that way all day long, all day long, and all the while, I thought I looked good in my red knit top.  Stylin’ as the kids say.

Oh, oh, oh, OH!  No, no NO!  It dawned on me.   This is the same top I found in my closet this morning, the one I had forgotten about and surely not that holey red top that I had been wearing around the house all spring simply because it was comfortable.  No, I had inspected that top before and after I put it on and declared it must be one from last year—no holes.   NO HOLES!  I must say I was thrilled that I had two red tops and this one I could actually wear out in public.  I was cool, I was stylin’.  The hubby even told me I looked good in THAT top.  So off we go…….  Me with my 29 holes on my backside and definitely showing because I had my white jeans on.  Yes, I counted them—all in a 2 inch square area.  I am not exaggerating.  Red top over white jeans and 29 holes, right in the middle of my backside.  I am sure people thought “Oh the poor thing.  She just turned her top around so she wouldn’t have to see the holes.” 

Now here is where your timeline comes in.  If you are a certain age you will find this somewhat humorous.  If you are of the younger generation, you are going to find this tragic……….the old woman has finally lost it.  So being of my generation, I am going to look at this humorously because……..well…….it is a little funny……..and I sure don’t want to look at it the other way.

Bottom line:  I wore my top backwards.  I wore my holey top (29 holes).  I don’t have two red tops.  I need another red top.

The hubby wished me a good night’s rest and said “Hope you find out whether you’re coming or going.”  And we had a good little laugh.

I love you.   

In case you are wondering about the holes, I have a problem with almost all my knit tops and holes.  I have finally decided it must be from my too tight jeans and the flap.  So I have to inspect everything I wear out in public to make sure there are no holes.  I thought I knew front from back, but looks like that will also be an inspection point….if I remember.   Love you guys.  Keep smiling!

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