Friday, January 1, 2016

My 2016 Quests

Well here it is -- 2016 -- and I'm not quite ready.  But I guess I have to keep up with the times so here are my silly quests for 2016.

1.  I will try not to overfill my Sam's Club drink beyond the rim.

2.  I will try to be a kinder person this year.  Isn't that the number one resolution people say?

3.  I will try not to overthink things...............this will be the hardest thing for me.

I think this will be enough quests for me to pursue this year.  I don't want to overthink things and  I don't want to get crazy and suggest that I will loose weight or exercise.  Those would be an unfilled here they are again:  Don't fill my drink till it runneth over, be nice, and don't overthink. 

Yep..............that's enough.  My brain feels taxed already and I am getting close to overthinking so I am going to bed to rest so that I will be a kind person tomorrow.

I love you.  Oh, I think I will write in this blog more this year, too.

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