Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Cheers Everyone

Cheers Everyone.  Happy Tuesday to each and everyone of you out there in cyberland.  Just had my first half cup of coffee and I now have one eye open regardless of the fact that I have been up for over an hour.  Speaking of coffee..........did you see the news last night?  Just one cup of coffee helps you live longer and three cups helps by 18%..............so today I will have three cups, please.  Don't quote me on the statistics.  Go look it up.  Oops, my other eye just opened.

I've been told I don't write in my blog anymore so I am going to try to remedy that so I can go on to become the Pulitzer prize winner that I am destined to be.  (And yes, it can be awarded for online journalism.)

So.........this summer has been a very, very busy one for me and I am enjoying it to the fullest.  Soon I will be on my fourth trip (or vacations as my grandchildren like to call them) in as many weeks.  Been so many places, even the credit card folks are calling.  When will this fun ever end?  Never, I hope. 

One thing I have noticed after these trips is how much better I feel physically.  Seriously.....I can walk better, my aches and pains have subsided, and certainly my mental health is way better.  For a few years I have been giving in to a certain kind of depression (I guess you could call it depression.....not a psychologist).  I could only see the disadvantages of getting older.  I assumed we couldn't do anything or travel because we had these ailments and maladies that come to us all.  Well, guess what?  I am seeing the light. 

I have many blessings that I had NOT been counting.  The ability to travel is one of them so with that, get in the car!

There's a commercial that runs on TV that says "a body in motion, stays in motion".  There's truth in that statement.  So here's to another trip..........Cheers everyone.

I love you and thank you for letting me just chatter away on this blog 

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