Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trying This Again

I have not posted anything for a year, but decided today to try it again. Lots and lots of things have gone on this last year, some not so good, but overall, not bad. I can tell you that retirement is time for reflecting and getting one's life on the right track. You have one more chance. This blog is just a place to put down my thoughts and some pictures of various things. I would love to have a nice blog like one of my favorites, http://www.apioneerwoman.com/; however, I don't have anything that interesting to post nor do I have the computer skills involved. How cool would it be to address retirement issues and have a large following? Perhaps not so cool since then one would be obligated to update it and keep it fresh. I do have an occasional recipe to share, but since you, Shawna, are the only one reading this, you may have the recipe already.
Today I will try to post a picture of my boys, my GRANDboys! They are now 6 and 3 years old. We are so lucky to live on 5 acres where they can run and play, scream and yell. At the back of our property is a little pond which occasionally hold water. We walked back there on Sunday and they thought they were on the other side of the world. To them, we were at least 5 miles from home and probably would never find our way back. It was a perfect fall "windless" Sunday. A rare treat in Oklahoma.

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