Saturday, November 13, 2010

Glorious Fall Day

Just when I thought the fall colors were through, the rain came and now the colors are more brilliant than the last few weeks. I didn't get any photos yesterday, but I will post a couple from our trip to North Carolina last month. Lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant and a movie was in the works today with two of my favorite girls. I also am enjoying some alone time in my own house. What woman doesn't love that?! Having my retired husband around is a joy--most of the time. There are times; however, when I would just as soon have him gone for a few hours. To wish and hope for such times fills me with guilt. I have friends who have lost their husbands and to have those husbands under foot for one more day would be pure heaven for them. So, I am going to enjoy my day, but I will look forward to seeing him open that door. I have been having nostalgic moments lately, thinking particularly of my childhood. I lived in such a wonderful time in history and in a loving community where we all knew one another. It is about the time of the year that my grade school would have their annual pie supper auction to raise money for the annual Christmas tree. All the schoolgirls and our mothers would fill a box with picnic food and a piece of pie. Some of the women would just wrap a large pie. We wrapped the box with beautiful wrapping paper and ribbon bows making them like beautiful presents. Whoever won the bidding would then share the food with the person who made it. My mom would demand my dad remember which box she brought so he could bid on hers and win it. The men delighted in running up the bidding of other bidders knowing full well that the husbands were instructed to win their wives' box no matter now high the bidding went. It was all in fun and raised more money for the tree. We girls were at the mercy of the bidding of the grade school boys. None of us had a boyfriend but in the 4th grade I really thought that whoever bought my box secretly wanted to be my boyfriend. Nothing was further from the truth, they just wanted to eat. How exciting it all was until it was time to share the food. I was a very shy girl. While my "boy"friend would eat the sandwich I had fixed, I would just hang my head. Took a long time for me to win the battle with shyness. More memories in another post.

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