Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quiet Restaurants

Have you ever longed for a quiet restaurant reminiscent of the 70s?  Remember those?  The ones that were dimly lit, candles glowing on the tables, light jazz playing softly through the speakers, or better yet, a jazz combo playing just a few feet away.  It wasn't just eating out, it was dining and dining meant romance.  It was magical, something special.  Something that you didn't do every other night of the week like people do these days.  Drive down any "restaurant row" on a Tuesday night and you will see that eating out isn't the special dining experience it was then.   

Those romantic places are almost all gone and I miss them, but now and again you will find one like we did recently.  Jamil's in Oklahoma City.  What a throw back to the 70s.  Food was good, but not extra-ordinary, but the dark walls, the piped music, and quietness of the place sent me right back to the 70s.  Good times, great people.

Maybe I miss more than the restaurants; maybe I miss me, the 23 year old young woman who was just beginning her life.  I think maybe I know what I miss the most.  I miss the naivete I once had.  I didn't know what life held for me, but I was sure it was all good.  And it is........... Love ya.            


  1. It IS all good. You are such a good writer. Wish you guys were up here with us. Love you.

  2. Thanks. I keep thinking there would be an installment #2 of yours. Wish we were there, too, but all kinds of calamities are going on here.

  3. You have captured the pure essence of nostalgia. We remember experience past by through the filter of time. A life that was altruistic and pure. I wonder how we will remember today.





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