Monday, October 17, 2011

Sing for Me, Mr. C.

Did you go outside today?  If you live in Oklahoma, I bet you did.  How can anyone resist the beautiful fall weather we have been having lately?  Then around 3:00 the front came through and the temperature dropped quickly as often happens in Oklahoma.  The change in the weather was my time travel right back to the early 1960s.  Such a happy time in my life (but over the last 40 years it has only gotten better).  Remember Perry Como on the Kraft Music Show?  I was going to marry Perry when I was little, I was just sure of it.  He was SOOO cute.  I looked forward to his show every week.  We all did.  It was something we watched as a family; a very wholesome show.  Feel good music.  Sing for me, Mr. C.

Tonight I can see daddy at one end of the couch and mom at the other; daddy with the paper in his hand, nodding off now and again.  Mom would would be doing the same thing, nodding off that is - and can you blame her with five kids underfoot?  There would usually be one of us kids between them leaning on momma, one of us would have won the coveted recliner and probably three of us would be stretched out on our tummies on the floor, heads propped up with our hands.  Probably all of us would be doing our homework.  My brother would be begging us girls to hit him in the stomach so he could see just how much pain he could take.   

We would glance up at Perry once in a while, but what really got five little heads to bob up were the autumn Kraft commercials.  Ed Herlihy was the soothing deep voiced announcer of the live commercials...........oh my he made you want to buy Velveeta...... and Kraft caramels for caramel apples, eat Chez Whiz right out of the jar, and his description of marshmallows salads.....can Thanksgiving get here any faster??!!  "Good food and good food ideas",  that's what Mr. Herlihy would say.  I would love to hear that voice and those commercials again.  I am sure they would make me cry.

I know there will be people who make fun of me for enjoying Perry Como's music.  I can't help but think that our world would be a better place if we all listened to this type music instead of some of the garbage that is being played on the air waves today.  

If you want to see an example of the Perry Como show and a peak into my past, you can go to this website for an example of his show.   Sing for me, Mr. C.  

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