Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I was rather quiet this morning as I often am when things just aren't right.  Finally the hubby asked why and then I had to explain that I was stressed because I didn't know what to buy certain people on my list.  Then we had the discussion about our wants versus our needs. 

"I remember when we'd (folks in general) get that beautiful sweater that was only dreamt of.  The beautiful pink angora (itchy) sweater.  It was thrilling.  It was "the" gift without ever being put on a "list of things to buy".  It was unexpected.  Now days, people might get a pretty sweater for Christmas, but then they might have bought themselves a couple in different colors just the week before when they were on sale.  Nothing seems all that special anymore," I whined.   

"Remember mom telling us how thrilled she was a child to get her sock of candy and nuts", my husband asked?  He continued, "We could think of it as "how sad", but perhaps we should think of it as how blessed.  She was happy, happy with her little stocking of candy and nuts."  We both had to choke back emotion at this point.  Then he said this:  "We are fortunate that everyone we know personally, our relatives and our friends have all their needs fulfilled.  It is not that way for a lot of people.  We are blessed.  Mom thought that candy was special."
My husband is a very insightful man and he helps keep me grounded on what is important and what is special

The fact of the matter, none of the gift recipients on my list really need anything.  Everyone that I know, in fact, is blessed with their needs and almost all of their wants.  So with that in mind, my shopping just became easier.  It just became special   

Memory:  My dear mother-in-law told the story of the candy and nuts every Christmas.  You know what, she always had a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her lips.  There was never any bitterness that she didn't get a doll.  In fact, she had a rock that she used as a doll.  A rock...  Think about her ingenuity of using a rock as a baby doll.  She was so special.

I love you!!

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