Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Just Love It Here

I just love it here even though it is such a cold day for it to be the 18th of April.  Can you believe it?  We had 3 inches of rain last night which really helps the drought conditions we have had for the last several years.  Our pond is now overflowing and the wildlife will have a water source once again.  Again........can you believe it?

We are so fortunate that we live on this little acreage; plenty of room for a huge garden if we want.  Unfortunately we also have room for all the little critters that consider our garden fast food, take out, and a dine-in restaurant.  We have the patrons that dig up the potatoes, the ones that carry off tomatoes to enjoy in their lairs, the ones that nibble the tops off green beans, and even the ones that climb up a tree to leap over to the pear tree which is surrounded by a hot wire, outsmarting and thumbing their noses at us, but we glare at them from the porch swing.  I am sure we scare them as we shoot laser beams from our eyes. 

This morning there was a beautiful buff-colored hawk on the garden post.  He just swooped down and back up to the adjacent post.  Wow, what is a beautiful sight and not one you'd see in the city.  We have deer, fox, coyote, and even a rare bob cat.  The squirrels are everywhere this morning, so cute, chasing one another...........and..............and do I see what I think I that little guy thumbing his nose at me?????????????  Why that little...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As happy as we are to live out here among the critters, we are happier to live on a street with sweet neighbors.  Even as I type, the hubby is visiting with the neighbor that lives across the street.  Yesterday, another neighbor was running his sweet-natured greyhound, Rosie, up the street.  Of course, he was not running per se, but on his scooter.  Scooter boy pulled up our driveway, right up the sidewalk to the porch swing and we visited for a half hour.  Then later our neighbors to our right walked up for another impromptu visit.  We felt pretty popular yesterday.

With everything that is going on in this world, it would be easy to climb into a dark hole and stay there.  Then I hear the children's laughter on the playground at the nearby school, I hear the birds chirping, I see Rosie running up the street, the squirrels are still thumbing their nose at me, and the neighbors stop for a visit.  I just love it here.

Just a cute little Logan story.  Today, when my daughter picked up little Logan from kindergarten, he told her, "I have good news and I have bad news.  What do you want to hear first?"  She said, "I want the bad news first."  He then says, "The bad news is David got scratched.  The good news is he didn't bleed."    Oh how I wish that the bad news is just a scratch and the good news is no blood...out of the mouths of babes. 

I love you.

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