Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You Might be a Red Neck If

you grab a ladder, put it on a trailer, climb up with an electric chain saw. Been married to this man for 39 years and he is the most cautious, safety conscientious man I know until I see this. Never thought that he would do something so stupid. Ladder on a trailer - how stupid. Had to jump off the ZTR and take a picture for my kiddos to have documentation of this life altering event. Let him have it, Steven!
This picture doesn't do this situation justice. It was much higher than appears in the photos. Even the neighbor had to comment about the sanity of this.

He has found a way to trim just a little higher on the trees without renting a bucket. We needed this trimming done, but at the risk of limb and life? He is an engineer, for Pete's sake! He has lost it!

I knew he wouldn't take any chances! He didn't loose his sanity after all. I knew he wouldn't really put a ladder in a trailer without it being bolted down. That would be just too red neck.

Looking down at the base of the ladder you have a better sense of how high this ladder really is.

Not to let the older guy outdo me, I had to show off a little. As Logan would say, "I not scared."

I still have it going on! Climbing to the top!
Memory: We had no mishaps with this solution for trimming trees; however, it brought back a memory of my daddy and some of his problem solutions. One funny one that I recall tonight is the time he decided to trim up the rubber/plastic flap that was loose and hanging down under the engine of his truck. He decided he would just take the acetylene torch and cut it off. Then......you guessed it. It caught on fire. Fire in the engine. Luckily there was a mud puddle nearby and he and mom grabbed a bucket and threw the muddy water on the truck. It worked, but not the truck. Had to take it to the shop. Gosh I loved my daddy, but never a dull moment on the farm.

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