Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Anybody Want to Go Somewhere?

I have been shopping like a mad woman this week so I must think I am going on vacation.  Don't all women buy new things to take on a trip?  Of course we do.  Admit it.  We buy all this stuff for a vacation where we will not see one soul that we know.  Yes, we have this need to impress strangers.   

**Today I bought a swimsuit coverup just in case we take a trip to see my sister with the pool (anybody ever see "Keeping up Appearances"?  When she tells people about her sister, she says "my sister with the ponies".  OK, not that funny - you'd have to see the show.)  Yes, I will definitely need that coverup for that 30 foot walk from the back door to the pool.  Wouldn't want anybody to see the legs.  Do you think anyone will notice that I am wearing the coverup in the pool?  I had my coverup stolen last year on the banks of Table Rock Lake.  Who would do that?

**Then I bought a long crinkle skirt for the concert on the lawn of the Colorado resort that we might stay (I dream).  I already have a black floppy hat and my Longenberger picnic basket.  Gonna look cool!  Need a bottle of wine and some cheese. 

**I bought a peasant shirt so I could look all artsy when I go to Taos, and because this is the year I have attempted to recreate the hippie days which I missed the first time around.  Oh I was old enough, I just wasn't open minded enough.  I also may be wearing the hippie garb to cover the hips.  Old age weight gain is not pretty. 

**I bought two visors to wear when I am on that prestigious golf course in Colorado.  What?  You tell me there is no prestigious golf course in Colorado?  OK then, I just won't golf.  You think I will need a white tennis skirt to make people think I have just come from the courts?  

**I had to buy some pink capris and a cute top and summer sweater for those cool nights at Red River. 

**And I could not pass up a bottle or two of nail polish.  Yes, I bought myself a bottle of baby blue polish.  I have never had blue toes, but I am going to try it is just a little while.  I think this little walk on the wild side might go hand in hand with the long crinkle skirt.  I missed out on so much. 

See this little dress/coverup.  I couldn't wait to show the hubby and he definitely likes it, but his first reaction was "That is nice.  Does this mean you are going to get rid of that striped one?"  My mouth dropped open; what is it about that 35 year old striped maternity dress that he doesn't like?  I only wear it around the house.  I just don't get it.  Go back and read that old blog post and you might agree with him.  I would, too, except it just has to much sentimental value not to mention it is like wearing a tent.  And besides I am still saving it in case my daughter has another child. 

So tonight I set here with all my new goodies and try to make excuses as to why I went on a shopping spree.  The fact is I just loved what I bought and have no vacation plans, but I am going to be ready in case the car leaves the garage.  They used to tell me that Grandma Dawkins would be in the car whenever it left the place.  I must be my grandma's granddaughter because I am the same way.  Hey, I think the five of us girls should go to New York City.  Or maybe just a trip to Dallas so that we could all buy the same flip flops and then take a picture of our feet.  I might even give you a pedicure.  Anybody want to go somewhere???? 

I love you.   


  1. I'm in! When do we leave?

    1. Pick the date, find the city or lodge, and call your sissies. I am ready.

  2. I am ready too! I wanna go to dallas or how about just to get a pedicure.





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