Monday, March 25, 2013

I Have a Lump in My Throat for My Family

I've been looking at Pinterest.  What's new, huh?

Here's what's new.  I just saw the most wonderful picture of a table, beautifully dressed, but it was outside.  I wanted to steal that picture and place it here, but wasn't so sure of the proprietary rights.  It was dusk so the Japanese lanterns were glowing.  I want to give a family party.  That whole picture spoke family to me.  I miss my siblings.  I miss my in-laws.  I miss my family.  They are my family.

When I have this family party, I want the evening to be warm, not hot, but warm.  Warm enough so that a light sweater wouldn't be uncomfortable.  I want to have a lovely tablecloth running the full length of my long table, I want candles scattered over the table with small crystal vases filled with peonies.  I want the food to be simple, but delicious.  I want the dessert to be the Pièce de résistance.  I want the honeysuckle to be in bloom, and let's not forget the roses.  I want us all to set around the table, softly visiting and reminiscing about all the good times we have shared throughout these last mmmmmm 63 years.  And I don't want ants, wasps, bees, ticks, or mosquitoes or those nasty flies.  And I don't want anyone, specifically me, to be stressed!

Here's what I think really might happen.  We will all be on the patio, but the girls will be going back and forth into the house, their arms laden with food--well laden with the ketchup, mustard, onions, etc, the back door squeaking continually.  There will be lots of loud laughter going on outside, but never mind that, just talk over them.  Somebody will ask me if I have a flyswatter.  I will ask Johnny to watch the burgers on the grill while I hunt the flyswatter.  The smoke from the grill will be swirling around the patio driving the guys further out into the yard and right on out to the building to see some sort of project the hubby is working.  I hear laughter in the building.  What about the burgers?  Laughter stops.  The smoke is really thick now and I run over to the grill.  The forgotten burgers are now flaming.  Frownie face.  Grabbing the tongs, I save the burgers.  Laughter.  Then I hear my sister ask if we are going to use paper plates.  Of we ever use anything else?  Laughter.  There are cokes (coke is the generic name for all soda pop) in the frig in the garage.  Help yourselves.  Laughter.

By now the smoke is dissipating.  Laughter.  Our tummies are full.  Soft laughter.  Small talk.  Laughter.  Plans.  Small talk.  Laughter.  Homemade ice cream--never too full for ice cream.  Loud laughter.  Small talk.  Soft laughter.  Family.  Small talk.  Laughter.

Which party do you want to attend?  While it would be so wonderful to have the first party, if you come to my home, you are more like to experience a party not unlike the last scenario.  When we all get together, we tend to be on the loud side, laughing, telling stories of old, telling stories of our jobs, telling stories of our  I wouldn't change a thing.  My brother, my sisters, my sister-in-law, my brothers-in-law...........well they are my family and I love them all.  Family.

I love you family.  I have a lump in my throat for my family tonight.


  1. Replies
    1. It wouldn't be a party at my house without stress, for sure!!!! You don't fall far from the tree.





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