Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh Logan This is the Best Day Ever

It was the best day ever!
Planted garden.....just a few onions, radishes, turnips (not my idea), and a few other cool weather crops.  Believe me, having my 5 year old Logan really helped me speed up the process.  He took his gloved finger and drew me a line in the soil and told me I needed to plant right along that line.  His mom was there, too, keeping us all on track and in a straight line.  When it came to the radishes, his mother voiced her opinion that radishes weren't worth planting and that she didn't like them.  My sweet Logan had this to say to her.  "Mom, they look so nice.  They look so nice when they come up.  Yes, we need to plant them because they look so nice."  That is my little Logie Bear.  They look so nice.

While his mom finished planting some of the seeds, Logan and I had to climb trees, but I admit I was just there for the "can you give me a boost, Nana?" moments.  We found all kinds of pretty flowers and knee deep leaves which he used to bury himself.  Baths tonight!!! 

Lunch time.  "Nana, can I have a bologna sandwich with just bread and some mayonnaise on it?"  "I can?"  "Can I eat in the living room?"  "Can I eat on this chair?"  "Can I watch cartoons while I eat my lunch, too?"  "Oh Nana, this is the best day ever." 

After lunch he had to show me his secret hideout.  Here is the best part:  He took my hand (that never ever happens) and lead me to the back of the property to show me his new hideout.  He dropped to the ground to lay claim to this new territory.  Then we held hands to explore a little more and we found the little island in our dried up pond.  Once again, he dropped to the ground to stake his claim.  We broke limbs so that it would look nicer and when we were leaving we found a broken tree, but to him it was his door to the new fort.  "Now, Nana, can we just walk side by side?"  We were still best buds though. 

When he got in his booster seat to go home, he grabbed my hand again (I was in HEAVEN) and brought it up to his face drawing me a little closer to him, not for a kiss, but to say this.  "Will you tell Grandpa not to cut down that limb and not to throw it away cause it is our door?  Will you?  Does Grandpa sometimes forgets things?"

OH Logan, you are right.  This is the best day ever, and no, I will not let Grandpa clear that limb away.

I love you!

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