Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is My Slip Showing?

Good morning everybody.  OK girls, how many of you remember this?  For those of you who do not remember, this is a slip or petticoat or whatever other name you may have called it.  It was worn under your dress to prevent shadows of your bra and panties or legs from showing.  This picture came directly from the Sears website and to not get myself in trouble by using a picture without permisson, I have included their website.

And the half slips--remember those? Back in the day we younger girls opted for half slips which were just that, a half slip. Maybe we were rebelling from our mom's more puritanical ways or maybe a full slip was just hot

And can-cans.  If you are of a certain age, you gotta remember those.  Stiffer, the better and if you could get one that stood out 90 degrees from your waist, you were the bomb!  I was very little when mom made me one out of window screen metal............I swear!  I am sure it was, but you know what age does to makes everything just a little more dramatic, stories a little more embellished, and memories slightly altered.......but I swear it was made from metal window screen.  I remember the steel gray color....and nope, I am not telling a fib, it WAS window screen material.  My little dress stood straight out and to this day, I can remember how it scratched me at the waist.  Most uncomfortable thing I have ever had on.  I don't remember wearing it but once and that was to church.  It was gathered at the waist and had biased tape at the waist and at the hem.  I guess that was to protect me from pokes and scratches, but believe me, it did NOT work.  Maybe that is the reason mom didn't make me wear it again. 

Last night The Tonight Show had on Carol Burnett and during the interview, Jay Leno showed a clip of her early, early days.  Her little dress was cute as it could be; high neck line, gathered skirt, fitted bodice.  During the skit she was dancing and swinging her arms and when she raised her arms, her slip was showing.  It came as such a surprise, that I asked the hubby if that was her slip or part of the dress. 

Slip showing............nobody has a slip showing these days.  I guess that is the reason I was so surprised when I saw Carol's.  Have you seen a slip showing lately?  Nada...........that is because nobody is wearing one.  There was a time, however, when the sentence "Is my slip showing?" was the last thing we asked before we went out the door. 

In 2013, modesty seems to have flown out the window, but I kind of miss the old days...the days of modesty.  Don't you?  I miss the days when certain things were just covered up.  No need to show all your assets to every stranger in town.  Oh we think we are so liberated, not having to bother or be encumbered with a lot of extraneous things like a slip, but look around you.  Do you see TOO much from the young ladies these days?  Are you sometimes embarrassed for what you see?

I am not advocating bringing the slip back (I don't even own one myself), but a little less flesh wouldn't hurt anybody.  Modesty...ahh, the good old days. 

I love you.  Now, is my slip showing?   

Carol classy lady.  She was so good at her craft, making people laugh with her talent and with no obscene jokes, gestures, or words.  What a lady!

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