Saturday, September 26, 2015

Simple Joys

Today I ran across an old post and realized I needed to reread my own words again.  Lately I have been struggling with finding "joy".  Everything I see on TV or read on the internet is just plain awful, mean, odd, weird, or plain old crazy.  I find myself being pulled into a negativity that I know isn't good for me; a place of darkness.  Here's my old blog post.

After reading it twice I realize that I, me, am the person that controls my joy....not the TV, and certainly not the rants that I see on Facebook.  I am responsible for ME.  I need to find the "joy" of washing dishes again.  Perhaps it is all the little "joys" that make the deeper happiness in all of us.  I may have to plug in the iron.  The simple joys.

I love you.

I'm going to try to blog/write again, my friends.  It has been difficult finding time or should I say, difficult to find a time when I wasn't on Facebook.  I am trying my best to put Facebook away for a while because Facebook rants, and sometimes even raves, can put me in a "negative" mood.  I'm going to try.

I can't post this on September 26 without sweet memories of two people who had the same September 26 birthday; Mrs. Tucker and my dad.  Love them forever. 


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