Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Lone Man, Dancing Alone

Just a little story, but a true story.  I suppose all of you at one time or another have gone to concerts in the park.  My husband and I used to take advantage of all the free concerts in the area.  You might say we were watching our bucks.  We'd spread out the blanket and I, in my obsessive/compulsive way, would have to make sure every wrinkle was straightened before we could set down, but you know what happened..........wrinkles, as numerous as the lines on my face, spread everywhere once those two little ones got through twisting and turning and jumping.  Once they settled down, we'd have our little picnic before the music started.  Oh what a grand time!

One particular hot night, at Mount St. Mary's High School, we were enjoying a great concert by a band that played swing music.  The music was very nostalgic, but not only that, it was music that must made you want to move.  Across the crowd you'd see little kids twirling and dancing and otherwise making their parents smile.  Every once in a while you'd see a couple reminiscing, holding each other, swaying to the music, love in their eyes.  But the memory I will never forget is the one lone man, under the far away shade tree, the man with a smile on his face dancing alone.  He'd hold his right hand to his waist just as if he were holding his sweetheart, swaying, twirling, and a tiny dip now and again.  With the smile on his face you knew he was more than dancing, more than enjoying the music.  He was loving someone..........  He was remembering.............  His heart was full of wonderful memories.

No, it was not caught on video, no YouTube, no Facebook, just a memory that I recall now and again.  A lone man, dancing all alone, without an audience, enjoying that little slice of life at that very moment. 

Enjoy life!  Right now you are making memories.  I hope they are ones that will make you smile in 30 years.  I love you.

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