Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Dear Work Friends

Good morning everyone.  The weatherman promised us rain, but none yet I am sad to report.  Oh, we need rain; let's pray that we don't have another long, hot, dry summer.

If you are retired, do you ever miss your work friends?  There are some days, I really, really miss my work friends.  Yesterday was such a day.  It all started when I dropped off something to my dear friend who happened to be having lunch with the office, my old office.  I knew that she was having lunch with them, but I didn't expect the feelings I felt when I left.  I had that old lump in my throat like I was missing something.

I was missing something alright and that something was my friends.  It was wonderful seeing them, but at the same time, it was terrible.  I was now an outsider.  In the old days, I would have been right in the middle, right in the thick of things.  We'd be exchanging tidbits of information that is only given out to the "group". 

I could not stay and visit with my friends, 1) because I had errands to run and another friend waiting in the car, and 2) because they were leaving the restaurant.  But I wanted to just pull up a chair and chat with everyone; chat while everyone was relaxed and not at their desks with phones ringing and emails popping up.......or do they just text these days.

Do I want to go back to work?  Not really, but I sure miss those lunches and I sure miss my Dear Work Friends!

I love my friends.

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