Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nice Night for Some Football……….

Fall 2015 035

Good evening everybody.  Nice night for some football.........or is it?  I must have a very soft heart because it sometimes hurts to see an opposing team loose to one of our Oklahoma teams, or to anyone else for that matter.  Today, for instance, it hurt to see Iowa State loose to Oklahoma State.  Don't get me wrong, I was rooting for OSU every second of every play.............until they won.............until they panned the camera to the loosing side of the field..............until I saw that young man hang his head in despair.  You see, according to the announcer, Iowa State needed to win this game plus the next two in order to qualify for a bowl game.  They hadn't been in a bowl in years. They did not win.  I am sad for them.  Of course, I would have been sadder to see Oklahoma State's winning streak to come to an end.

Just now I was watching the third overtime win for Michigan over Indiana.  I only saw the last 5 minutes of the game and I decided I would root for Indiana just because I thought they'd be the underdogs.  I don't know if that is true or not, but it seems I hear Michigan in the football news than I do Indiana.  So Indiana it is.  Just after I started watching, Indiana made a touchdown and the two point afterward........then only to let Michigan tie up the game.  Three overtimes were needed to determine the winner of the game.........Michigan.  Indiana did not win............

Every time there is a game played, there will be a winner and there will be a looser.  If there is a tie game, somebody will loose in overtime.  Someone will go down in the rankings.  Someone will not go to the conference playoffs.  Someone will not get a bid to a bowl game. 

Oh it feels so good to win, but it hurts so bad to loose.  These young men are actually little boys to their mothers.  Somebody is hurting tonight...............somebody is going to fall into bed tonight thinking "if only".

Now on to watch Baylor mix it up with Oklahoma.  I am going to tell you right now that I am rooting for Oklahoma.  I want to be sad that Baylor looses.  Fingers crossed!

I love you.

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