Monday, September 12, 2011

Napping on My Porch Swing

We are getting a much needed reprieve from all the cooler weather we had last week. I thought I was going to freeze when it dipped to a low 80 degrees. By my thermometer, it reached 100 degrees today, a degree higher than Oklahoma City's official high. Today I got to go back to my normal summertime habitat, lounging on my front porch swing. It was so cool in my house a bit ago (imagine me wrapped in an afghan - no, I never put them away for the summer - It is COLD in my house, guys!) that I moved out to my beloved swing to write this blog. Hubby thinks nothing of keeping the house at 74 freezing degrees.

I love to nap, well sleep. My hubby says that my idea of a good time is a coma. I think he may be exaggerating a bit, but I do love a good nap. What could make this cold blooded woman any happier when napping??? You guessed it, a nap on my swing in the 108 degree heat.

This porch swing has become my own personal sauna. Every year at the state fair, I look at and wish for, long for, and dream of owning one of those saunas on display. They are only about $2100, a mere pittance of the cost of a pool (And I want one of those, too. Hubby says no. He doesn't want the upkeep, but I say I want a pool boy, too!!! Yes, indeedy. He said no to that, too.).

To the neighbors I am sure I am the nosiest person on the block. Yep, they see me up here (as opposed to down there on the street) stretched out with my RC Cola and my Moon Pie wondering if I don't have a job or something. I am not really nosey, I just am aware when my neighbors drive up and down the street. I can only guess where they are going. If they would stay home, I would have no earthly idea what they are doing. My keen eye came in handy when neighbor across the street wondered if next door neighbor was home and I could report that I saw next door neighbor leave about 2:00 and hadn't come back home yet. You do learn a lot about your neighbor's habits when spying -- oops sleeping -- on the porch.

I have observed our outside cat, Nikki, this summer, spread out like a cat skin rug below the swing. Contented as a cat, they say. I am not an evolutionist; however, I do see some similarities between Nikki and me. We like to be petted, have our meals on time, and we both love a warm summer nap.

Oh and I have to tell you this, last Friday night, six neighbors all left after the 6:00 news program. My guess is they were going for dinner. Do you reckon that they were going to dinner together and didn't invite us?

Dave and Angie just now came home. Neighbor with green car just came home. Neighbor with silver SUV came home. Okay, I might be just a tad nosey.

Side note: I am not exaggerating when I tell you how much I loved to sleep on my swing, but once I was adjusting my body after nearly falling asleep reading a great book. I over corrected myself and the swing just dumped me right out on my side. I had a black bruise in the shape and size of my foot. Hubby could only find humor in this as he laughed until he was breathless. Don't ever think that retirement can't be fun!!

Memory - I have memories of sleeping outside in the summer when I was very little. It was just too hot to sleep indoors. We slept on cots and under the stars without any fears for my daddy was there to protect us. That is when I learned the orientation of the stars. Do you have any idea how beautiful the night sky is 45 miles from Oklahoma City?

Love you guys. Story about my favorite grandma tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I actually laughed out loud at the description of the neighbors coming and going...





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