Monday, January 16, 2017

Fruit Salad Pie

Good morning folks.

This morning I received a little surprise.  A pie recipe from way back...........a much simpler time or so it seems to me.  It is my grandmother's recipe for a Fruit Salad Pie.  She had shared the recipe with Toots Wyatt so the recipe card is in Toots' handwriting.  I love that Toots wrote a note that it was from her aunt, and the note about the ice box is precious.  I heard that term much more than refrigerator back in the day.

In the future I'm not sure how many of us will have a connection to our mothers/fathers in this visual way...their handwriting.  We get most of our recipes off the internet in one fashion or another.  I can't remember the last time I shared a handwritten recipe.  Just sent them the link.  We hardly ever send cards, and if we do they often have an imprinted name instead of a signature.  When was the last time we/our younger generation even wrote out a check?  If I do happen to see a note that my daughter has written, it is most often printed............certainly not cursive.   

Cursive.....another subject.  Nowadays cursive is only taught as an option.  Back in my day, (I hate to keep using this term because it defines me as elderly, but "back in my day") we couldn't wait to learn cursive because it was another step to being a grownup.  Big people wrote in cursive and once we decoded that secret writing, we could be privy to all sorts of Santa's list.  And at 8 years old, who doesn't want to see Santa's list?

So Bob, thanks for sharing your mother's handwriting, thank you for Grandma's pie recipe, but most importantly, thank you for a quiet memory of them both this morning.  One thing I remember about this pie is how fast it can get "yucky".  Better eat it fast because those bananas are not a pretty sight the next day.

Enjoy your day, folks.

Handwriting must be an issue close to my heart because I have written several posts about it.  Here are a couple.


  1. I wish I could type this message in cursive to you. I have always wanted your cursive handwriting

    1. Cursive is a lost art. It took lots of practice, and I had a teacher that made sure we had lots of practice. Love you sweetie.





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