Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lemon Drops

I have been thinking a lot about Grandma Dawkins this week. It isn't her birthday, I don't think. I should look that up. It isn't the anniversary of her death because that is two days before my anniversary. I never forget that one.

It has almost been 40 years since I last saw her, but have dreamed of her more times than you would believe. She really made an impression on me and still remains one of the top ten people in my life. At the time of her death, she ranked up there in the top three. Isn't it wonderful that more and more people are added to our love list.

She and grandpa didn't have a lot of personal possessions. Sometimes it was a while before they stocked up on groceries. I don't remember too many extras like store bought cookies or candy, but I do remember lemon drops and Lifesavers. We five kids were at grandma's house often, like everyday. Almost always she had lemon drops. The lemon drops were in her white milk glass pedestal candy dish with a lid. There were never more than five drops, one for each of us. We all knew that when we ate that one drop, it was all we were going to get. Never do I remember any of us eating the other's lemon drop. We were honest like that.

When grandma died and things were divided up, I did not receive her candy dish. I wonder who did. I found one, though, at an antique store a year ago. It is just like hers. I had been looking for years and I would find something similar, but maybe without a lid or a little smaller - something wasn't quite right. I see that dish today and it makes me think about what a special person she was and continues to be in my life.

The Lifesaver story - that will be tomorrow.

Lemon drops go with us on vacation - my kids can attest to that. Wonder if the idea came from lemon drops at Grandma's.

Love to all.

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