Thursday, September 15, 2011

State Fair

We went to the state fair today in spite of the rain. Actually, we were just daring it to rain! Because there was some sort of odd precipitation going on outside that we hadn't seen in months, we darted into the back of the closest building. The first thing we saw was the 4H exhibits which brought back all sorts of memories, but I will save those for another day.

The next room held all the "homemade" items which, if you think about it, is what the fair is all about or what it used to be about. For the first time in many years, we took our time and really looked at all the talent of our fellow Oklahomans. The quilts are exquisite, those that are hand quilted and even those machine quilted. The baked items all looked delicious; the homemade breads made me want to go home and knead some bread. Looking at all the beautiful crocheted, knitted, or tatted exhibits, I was just in awe of the talent and time it took to make. There were paintings, ceramics, wood working, decorative items of all sorts, each more beautiful than the next.

If you go to the state fair, I hope you visit these exhibits. These are the exhibits that a lot of people skip over. There is nothing glitzy about them, no hawker trying to lure you to throw a dart to win a gold fish, no flashing lights over food vendors, nobody trying to get you to sign up for a free trip, nobody demonstrating the same old food choppers, cookware, and brooms -- not a person wanting you to buy a thing! What you will get out of seeing these exhibits is a sense that down deep Americans, Oklahomans in particular, are a talented bunch. There is a sense that not all of the human race are not all caught up in the hype of commercialism or Mossoni (which is a whole other blog subject).

We happened to be in this area right after the doors were opened to the public and a lot of the exhibitors were just finding out how they placed. It was hard not to get caught up in their excitement as they exclaimed their pleasure on getting third place. I am not only in awe of their talent, but I admire the fact that they took the time to bring exhibits to the fair to share with all of us.

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