Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dad You Were Right

Tonight, I'm just setting in the swing pretending I have nothing to do.  I guess maybe I really don't have anything to this very moment (Sunday evening) which is sweet.  I remember all those Sunday evenings when I was a kid...........dreading my dad's Sunday night drill about how I should make really good grades in typing and shorthand.  Maybe I should let that memory go. 

Dad was smarter than I ever gave him credit back in 1966; a girl had two choices back then.  1)  Go to college or some sort of trade school or 2) Get a job!  Dad could see the writing on the wall and he knew he wanted more for his little girl than living on the farm as a spinster.  He wanted me to meet people and, let's face it, he probably wanted me to find a suitable husband.  Chances are I would meet more suitable husband material in the workforce than driving a tractor or bringing in the cows.  And job choices, let alone careers, were limited, too.  Oh, I had the perfect comeback to those Sunday night debates.  "Daddy, (whining) I will just work at Anthony's or be a waitress at Hamburger King."  Seriously folks, that is as far as my ambitions went especially on those dreaded Sunday nights.  I wasn't about to let my dad know he was wearing me down.  I just quietly passed those typing tests and my steno tests. 

In the end, as much as those Sunday night debates (arguments) irritated me, they actually helped change my life.  In fact typing, with dad's encouragement, probably was instrumental in making me the woman I am today.  It pushed me into a huge air force base, gave me a chance to make friends with people who were unknown to me...different even.  I broadened my horizons.  It allowed this little, extremely shy, farm girl to blossom and overcome some very deep seated self-esteem issues.............and only after 4 or 5 years, I was able to talk to people without turning red.

So nearly 50 years later, I am sorry I gave my dad so much grief over whether I passed a typing test.  Dad you were right.

I love you.
I had no idea what I was going to type about tonight, but this is where I ended up.  I hope to blog more often as it is therapeutic for me, but there are days when nothing seems important enough to write about..........but then again, my whole blog is nothing important.  So I guess I have my groove back.  This is all tongue in cheek.  It's just fun to see what pops into my head. 


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