Sunday, April 3, 2011

If Only She Had Lost Two Pounds........

Have you ever obsessed about your weight when actually there was nothing to obsess about? I could tell when I woke up Saturday morning that I was going to be in one of "those" moods. Nonetheless, I walked with my husband our normal 2.5 miles. Normal since we only started walking again 2 weeks ago. We hadn't walked but about a block before he asked me what was wrong. Being in "the" mood, I replied, "Nothing". This is how is goes with us, the question is asked what is wrong. "Nothing" is the normal reply. He and I both know something is wrong, but we have to go through this little game. So we walk on silently. Finally, I have to let it go. We both know that sooner or later I will talk. And talk I did. About my weight! Of all the things in this world that need my attention, my weight seems to be at the top or at least it was on Saturday. Oh boohoo! You see we had eaten Chinese food the night before and do you know how much good food is plated up in Chinese restaurants? And this was not even a buffet. And I over ate. You know it is a lot of food when the doggie bag weighs 3 pounds.

Then I got the call. Doesn't everyone carry their cell phones when they walk? Wouldn't want to miss that all important call. Now mind you I haven't had an important call in 5 years, but you never know. My daughter was needing me.....oh yes, she was needing me to help her put together the horse-shaped cake. As often it does, that call gave me a purpose other than dwelling on those two pounds. Then my husband and I both got to laughing about how silly it was to worry about those two pounds. He told me I was beautiful (a much needed compliment), how healthy I was, how much we had to be thankful for and then he said "This is what I am going to put on your tombstone. 'If she had only lost those two pounds'". Now the giggling was really going.

What I woke wanting to do Saturday morning was be this "put your own word here" for the day. Instead, thanks to help from a dear man, it was a wonderful day. I went to my daughter's house to help with the cake. It only took us a few minutes to have the puzzle cake into the shape of a horse. She was relieved and I was happy to be useful. Sometimes it takes just a little bit of help from someone else for us to see the bigger picture.

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