Thursday, January 7, 2016

Let's Get Busy

Good morning readers.  Well, good morning missy.  I know you are my faithful follower because you have to be.  You're my daughter.  That's ok because I blog because I want to write just to hear my head rattle.  No objective, no agenda, no goals.

I guess you heard by now there were no winners of last night's lottery.  That means my hopes and dreams are still alive, but that also means if I have any chance at winning, I will have to buy more tickets.  Yes, I know my chances are greater being hit by a meteor than winning the lottery, but hey, I have absolute NO chance at all if I don't buy a ticket.  It's only a DREAM.

It's a foggy, drizzly day here in Oklahoma today.  The temperature is not bad, but not a pleasant day to be outside although I hear my neighbor's chainsaw ripping through his trees.  I think somebody needs to go back in the house.  I have to give it to him though.  He has been in the house for a long time recuperating from shingles so his days outside is long overdue.  Here's to you, Bob.

My little coffee break is over and I must get busy, albeit not outside.  Bathrooms need cleaning and that seems like a good project to get done before the weekend.  Let's get busy.

I love you.  Till tomorrow.

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