Sunday, January 31, 2016

Forgotten Memory

Hello everybody on this last Sunday evening in January 2016. 

We had a first this afternoon; quite a pleasant first.  My son brought dinner tonight; a nice Cajun shrimp lo-boil that he'd made himself.  He used their crockpot to cook everything at his house.  Once he got here, he added the shrimp and a few minutes later, we were enjoying a tasty meal.  It was delicious and a treat for me not to cook.

It brought back an almost forgotten memory.  Many years ago mom used to take food to cook at her mom's house.  We didn't have a phone so there was no way to let grandma and grandpa know we were coming.  Back in those days, it was quite common for us to make weeknight visits, and, rather pop in at dinner time with 5 hungry kids expecting grandma to fix a meal, mom would take food to cook.  (Most of the time, my grandparents had already eaten.  As I recall 4:00 p.m. was their normal supper time.)

As wonderful as the memory of cooking at grandma's house is, the real memory is the sense of safety and security I felt.  All was right with the world.  So many people I loved in the same room.  One specific memory is of me laying on the floor (they had carpet and we had linoleum) diagramming sentences for English class.  All the other kids were doing homework as well or quietly playing or just listening to the adults.  There might have been five kids, but I don't ever remember a time of us acting up at grandma's house.  We would never have dared.

Thanks for the new memory and for reminding me of a forgotten memory. 

I love you.

I am so happy that my two children are such sweet adults.  I am proud of them both.  My loves.
Now I'm going to see if they still diagram sentences.  I absolutely loved diagramming.

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