Sunday, April 22, 2012

Vintage Dress

Thought I'd show you the hubby's favorite dress.  NOT!!!  Not by a long shot.  Every time I wear this, he asks when I am going to throw it away.  

Now I ask you, have you ever seen a lovelier dress?  No, probably not.  Look what it has to offer.  Nice and full for all those extra rolls around the middle and great for fanning when the weather gets hot.  Shake yourself about and you can create your own air conditioning.  Take a step outside in this dress and you will see what I mean.  The thing lifts up like a parachute.  The little tie straps can be taken up or let down according to the look you are going for.  These days I am going for full coverage!!! 

Oh I guess I will tell you the truth.  This is a maternity dress - not just any maternity dress - no the one I wore when carrying Steven, 38 years ago,  and then again when I was pregnant with Shawna.  None of those tight tops that the women wear today when pregnant.  No, in those days we girls sought big, oversized clothing while carrying our precious cargo - nothing binding.  I bought the fabric for this dress and mom made it for me along with several others, but this is the only one I kept.  I can't seem to throw the old comfy thing away.  Honestly, the fabric is just like new.  I often throw it on after my shower on a hot summer day spent mowing and doing yard work much to the chagrin of my hubby.

As far as I know it is the only thing I have left that mom made specifically for me.  Oh wait, I have my wedding dress.  This dress - nothing special and definitely not pretty, but I am never going to throw it away despite what my hubby or daughter thinks. 

I tried to get Shawna to wear this dress when pregnant with both her boys, but nothing doing.  Good thing she didn't wear it because I probably wouldn't have had it in my closet yesterday and you wouldn't see how I look after a shower and a day on the mower.

I love you.   


1 comment:

  1. I would be wearing this dress if I owned it. So cool you saved one of your maternity dresses!





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