Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Didn't We?

Today we lost one of our family members, Jacky Brown. He is my hubby's cousin - more than a cousin, really. They were like brothers, sharing many of the same memories of their childhood including a long car trip to California. These stories still are family renown. They were at each others houses constantly even though they lived a few miles apart. Back in the 1940s and 50s it was a simpler time and people thought nothing of sending a child out on his bike for the day. Afterall, they knew all the neighbors for miles around.

Back in April Jacky asked that we and and Ronny, his cousin on his other side of the family, come to for a visit. In the late 1990s, we all got together for Jacky's daughter's wedding and had so much fun together that we promised to get together more often. We got together now and again over the next few years, but as life has a way of doing, we all got busier than we intended. The trip in April was another great visit. This is one of those times you say why didn't we....?

We were able to enjoy a lovely evening meal together. Check out the guys looking at the tab. I think this picture is funny and shows just how normal life can seem although each of us knew we might not get a chance for visiting like this again.

This is a silly picture of the wives. Ronny's wife is in green, of course, there is me in the middle, and in the pink you see Marcia, Jacky's wife. She is a delightful woman. My hubby and I were talking about her today - how her face always looks bright and happy. When she talks she just lights up. Tonight, I imagine her bright face is dark. Even though her husband is not in pain and in a better place, she has to be saddened that that her partner is no longer nearby.

Jacky and Marcia met rather late in life, but they experienced many adventures together in the last 16 years. He was a pipe line engineer and she was able to go with him on his extended stays throughout the world. We are so thankful that one week ago today, my hubby got to spend the entire day with him one last time. You just never know when it will last time. Why didn't we .........................?

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