Saturday, March 23, 2013

Aunt Wilma's Ham

If you tuned in to the Pioneer Woman on the Food Network today, you saw her prepare a most lovely ham for her extended family; a ham certainly deserving center attention at your Easter Sunday lunch/brunch/dinner/supper.  I think her ham glaze might me on my menu this year............if I fix dinner at all. 

As I have blogged before, when I was a kid every other Sunday my mother, one of her sisters, or my grandmother would prepare a sumptuous feast.  They took turns and we knew far in advance who was fixing dinner on any particular Sunday for it never varied. 

There are so many memories, oh so many memories of those precious Sunday afternoons.  Here are just a few:

I remember the pig cookie incident at Aunt Geneva's.  You probably remember that, too, since I blogged about it before.

I remember one Sunday afternoon we were at Aunt Geneva's, and I talked Daddy into letting me take the brand new car to Prague to "drag Main".  He happened to check the odometer before I left.  I put 64 miles on the car dragging Prague's Main street, less than 2 miles a drag.  He wasn't too happy.

I remember Aunt Azalee serving quail that Uncle Wesley shot.

I remember Grandma Thompson's jello and bananas in her large yellow bowl which I now own and hasn't had jello and bananas in it since. 

I remember Mom's...................well everything..............her getting up before daylight to put some sort of meat in the oven.............leaving the potatoes on low while we were at church.............and many, many other things.............

What especially comes to mind tonight is Aunt Wilma, the baby sister of the family.  She lived in Shawnee when I was little and to me, that seemed like the very center of the universe, a place where someday I would live, a place where I might work, a place where I would probably join the country club and the flower club.  {sigh - not to be}

One particular Sunday, Aunt Wilma really outdid herself.  She had fixed the most beautiful ham I had ever seen, scored with cloves expertly placed, and a shiny, sugary glaze.  To top that--if you could ever top that--she had twice baked potatoes, one for each of us.  I had never seen such a beautiful presentation of food in my 10 year old life. 

I have had many beautifully prepared meals since that time in all areas of the country and a few overseas.  I have even fixed beautiful meals myself which were photo op ready, but when I boarded my memory time machine today, not even Pioneer Woman and her beautiful ham could compare to that day in my Aunt's kitchen.  Remember that ladies and gents, you are creating memories for all who pass before you, for those you serve, and you may never know what moments will be committed to memory.

I love you all.

I probably ought to buy a ham.  Easter is next Sunday!!!



  1. Hooray! You fixed the comment section. Made me really hungry for some ham. I wish there was still Sunday dinners. Ryan's grandma also worked really hard every Sunday on dinner.

    1. There are still Sundays, so there can still be dinners on Sunday. You could invite me one Sunday, Ry's family the next. Yes, you could be the "Sunday Entertainer".





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