Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I want to get back to blogging; therapy for me, but I cannot go forward until I write something about what happened in Oklahoma this week.  Someday I hope my grandchildren will have an opportunity to read my blog and it would be remiss on my part if I haven't shared my feelings about the devastation and then the resulting love.

Monday morning as my hubby and I were making the bed after a fitful night of sleeping or a lack of sleeping, we began discussing what had happened the night before in Carney and Bethel Acres, Oklahoma.  Six tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma Sunday, but both Carney and Bethel Acres were hit especially hard.

The weather forecast for Monday was essentially the same as Sunday; high probability of tornadoes.  As we were pulling up the blankets and fluffing the pillows, tears began to form in my eyes and I knew I was about to loose it.  So many had lost so much.  Had those that lost their homes the night before made their beds Sunday morning with little regard to whether they would have a bed that night, did they wonder if their homes would still be standing at the end of the day?  Would we?  Would we have a bed tonight?  Would we even have a house?  And then the tears dropped.  I don't ever want to take my blessing for granted.  

I dried my eyes and enjoyed my Monday morning, but with thoughts of those that lost everything still heavy on my mind and even heavier on my heart.  Little did we know that just in a few hours the very things we had discussed that morning would be nightmares come true for so many in the next town, the town where my daughter lives, 8 or 10 miles away.  

Boys, your Nana has no idea why this devastation occurred.  I do not have a clue to why you boys were spared, nor why your home is still standing when others lost so much, but I am happy that you are here.  My prayers were answered and I am so proud of your mother who worried whether she was over-reacting when she pulled you out of school.  She took care of you.  Since I don't have the answers and the questions keep getting deeper and deeper, I have to pull back and just trust God.  I never want to take my blessings for granted. 

I love you.

I hope to get back on track tomorrow blogging some fun things.  My thoughts and prayers are with those that lost more than I can fathom.  God bless Moore, Oklahoma, and Shawnee, and Carney, and so many other towns. 

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