Saturday, November 23, 2013

Go the Cellar and Get a Jar of Pickles

"Go to the cellar and get a jar of pickles."  Remember that kids? 

Tonight as I was getting the pickles out of the cold jar, I suddenly had "Go to the cellar and get a jar of pickles" pop into my head.  Saturday night in the 50s and 60s at our house ALWAYS meant hamburgers with our weekly bottle of pop.  What a treat!  It also meant somebody had to go to the cellar and get a jar of pickles.  Oh we loved those pickles, but going down in that dark, damp cellar was not so much fun.  Somebody would finally give in, flashlight in hand, and head to the cellar, or maybe mom would threaten one of us with our lives if we didn't go get them. 

I look back without fond memories of that old cellar, but with delight at mom's very salty, very tangy pickles.  None better.........  But I have to say that really, Brenda, yours are better. 

So............we had our hamburgers tonight with store-bought pickles.  They were good, but they were NOT Mom's pickles.

"Go to the cellar and get a jar of pickles."

I love you.

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