Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday..........It's Almost Over

Only 3 1/2 hours until Black Friday is GONE!  I can't say I am sorry.  Get gone Black Friday!  Get going.  I am tired of all the hoopla.  This year it seems that we have been inundated with Black Friday ads.  The TV commercials started three weeks ago, the news started talking about it a week ago, and the Internet and blogs have been touting the bargains for two weeks, and for the last two weeks my email inbox ran about 20 a, bargains, bargains..............everywhere bargains.  And then there were the pre-black before Black Friday know the ones.......the Friday before Black Friday sales, the Sunday before Black Friday sales, and the Wednesday before Black Friday sales, but the coup-de-gras sales of all sales was the Thanksgiving Day sales.   Today I even heard a newsman call yesterdays sales Black Thursday.  Sad I tell ya.  Thanksgiving gets no respect!

I guess I am old school, but I wish they would not open on Thanksgiving.  Goodness knows the clerks are going to be going full steam the day after Thanksgiving until January 1st so why not give these folks just one day off. there are stockings to be hung and a tree to trim.  Enough of my griping. 

Try explaining Black Friday to a 6 year old.  One last note:  What would our economy do without Thanksgiving?  What day would be our "Black Friday"?  Black's almost over.

Love you all.

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