Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Ones That Can Get Things Done

Hi there.  It is a bitterly cold day here in Oklahoma.  22 degrees and exactly the same as it was at 9:00 a.m.  I am sort of taking the day off today because I am taking a on-line photography class which is a lot of fun, but does require one to stay awake......maybe this IS work???? Pretty hard thing for me to do since when I sit, I sleep.  None of that "a body in motion stays in motion" for me.

The class is in a lunch break now so I took the opportunity to run check on my husband.....the only person that does any real work around here.  I opened the building door to see his jeans-clad legs on top of the truck engine.  Yes, there he was in some sort of ballet pose try to repair nasty mice damage.  Can your 75-year old guy do that? 

My class is about to resume so I will let you go.  I am eternally grateful that my husband can still make those beautiful poses--the ones that can get things done. 

I love you.

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