Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Whatever I Want

Good morning everybody.  I am having my Monkey Plate as my hubby calls it.  He says if we saw that at the zoo we would be thinking there was a special birthday for a monkey.  Oh you should see it.  A lovely plate of sliced bananas, fresh blueberries, strawberries, and delicious fresh pineapple with a side of turkey bacon.  It completes me.......that is all I need for a delicious breakfast (who needs steak and eggs?)...........oh, that, and a cup of tea.  This morning's tea -- Earl Grey. 

The last two hotels where we have stayed had large urns of water with sliced oranges.  It made the most refreshing water and since I don't like plain old water, it helps me drink the stuff.  Now I keep a pitcher of orange water in the refrigerator filled with ice.  Such a delicious summer treat instead of grabbing a diet drink.  Trying to wean myself, girls, and that isn't easy.  So, along with my tea, I am having water to go along with the other 16 ounces of water that I drank an hour ago with my Boniva.  So...........guess what is in store for me this morning.  Lots of time to see all the things I need to clean in a certain room.

I am in a wonderful mood this morning despite a few things which have popped up.  It all has to do with my new bedroom paint color..........very, very, very pale blue..........so pale that it looks white at certain times of the day.  You see, just a couple weeks ago my room was a dull cocoa color with dark, dark brown drapes.  I don't have new drapes yet so even though my bedroom is on the west, the light wakes me up very early............and always puts me in a good mood.  You know the reason why?  It reminds me of my bedroom when I was a teenager.  A whole day of not knowing what to expect.  A day in which I was free to do whatever I want until Mom called to tell me to help pick beans

As a retired person I realize that I can do whatever I want with my day and how I choose to fill it is up to me with certain parameters.  As we all know, our days are always subject to uncertainties, but this moment, this minute, this is mine.  My moments, my minutes are wasting so I am off to the races or should I say closets............they need cleaning.  Not going to pick any beans today although I would love a mess of fresh green beans with some new potatoes.  Whatever I want..........

I love you.

Ok, I admit it, I would dearly love to have a steak and eggs breakfast at Cattlemen's.  Invite me.  I will go with you.

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