Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All in the Day in Oklahoma

A week ago Monday, Oklahoma had the weirdest day ever...well to me it was.  The morning started out wonderful!  It was overcast, kind of dark in the house, but very homey with the soft glow of the under cabinet lights.  My kitchen was clean and comfy, just the kind of day I had always dreamed of when I imagined being retired.  Perfect!  The kind of morning that demanded a warm cup of coffee, music from my Ipod, and a preheated oven waiting on the cookies I was making.  Did I say a perfect morning?

The day just got better as the temperature warmed to a balmy day.  The overcast skies just highlighted the gold, red, and green leaves making it one of the most spectacular autumn days I can ever remember at my house.  I hadn't realized that the weather was getting stormy until I turned on the late afternoon news.  Every channel was having  covering the storm so it must be a big deal and it was apparently.  EF4 they said, but for a change it was in the mountains and a very rural area.  But coming this way, it was.  So the coverage continued...........all evening.

Then sometime after 8:30, I could hear the thunder coming this way...soon the rain will start....but wait.  Why is the house shaking?  Oh no, this is happening again, another earthquake.  The house is shaking, the couch is shaking, and I am swaying, even the blind cords are swaying.  One thing about having dozens of earthquakes, OK I only felt three of them, is that the third one isn't nearly as scary as the first and second.  Still, it was another earthquake that I never wanted to experience again.  I don't like them one little bit. 

So, as the earth was quaking, the tornadoes were forming, and the rain was falling.  All this was topping off one of the most beautiful days I have experienced.  All in a day in Oklahoma.  Come visit us!

I wish I had some talent with photography, but sadly I don't.  Nonetheless, I keep snapping and hope that one will turn out well.  My yard has been much prettier than any of these pictures.  I just cannot get capture what my eyes see, but I am sharing them with you anyway.  Hope you enjoy the view from my place.

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