Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - Thanks for the Memories

Gosh, I have so many memories of Thanksgiving and from the time I was a young girl the holiday was always wonderful.  I can remember one where we drove down to the southern part of the state to one of mom's cousins, not one of her double cousins.  I remember their old two-story farm house.  I think that drive and their house on Thanksgiving day may be the catalyst of my love of fall foliage. 

Thanksgiving was a little quieter this year.  The kids are grown with families of their own and as it should be, they have others with whom to share their holidays.  Thanks to my sister and even though about half our family wasn't there, our day was wonderful with lots of good food, especially the turkey, and filled with love.  You see, we still have that bond of love that my parents provided all those many years and it lives on whether we are all together or separated by the miles.  So tonight I know that my brother and his family in the Tulsa area, my sister and her family in Mississippi, and my nieces and nephews wherever they are, are also sharing, remembering, and loving.

Kids, remember all that food?  When we were all five adults, the food increased five times.  Remember the B.C. Clark anniversary song?  We knew all the words.  I wonder why we aren't on their commercials.  I am sure we would be a hit!  Remember gathering around the piano and singing Christmas songs till we were hoarse?  Remember hunting mistletoe and gathering all that cedar for Christmas wreaths, and in the very early days, cutting a cedar for a Christmas tree?  That tree was so stickery that you had to use gloves to decorate it.  Remember my brother and nephew hunting and coming in just in time for dinner?  Remember that one year we sat around in the late afternoon, and over and over we quietly would say something we were thankful for?  I will never forgot one person's comment of gratitude.  Touched my heart and they don't even know it.  Remember drawing names for Christmas?  Remember mom's huge spiral drawing pad where we put our Christmas wishes?  Remember flipping back to see what we wanted the years before?  Oh, I wish I had that pad for it held lots of memories and fun.  Mom and Dad and all you kids - thanks for the memories.  I love you.                

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