Monday, March 19, 2012

Trying to Counteract Negativity

Do you read your horoscope in the paper?  Yesterday the hubby and I were exchanging sections of the Sunday Oklahoman, when I noticed the horoscope on the back page of the Life section.  It's usually a source of amusement so let's just take a look and see what mine has to say.  Maybe it will tell me to buy a lottery ticket.

"Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23):  Not everyone can get a hold on emotions the way you can.  You'll set an example for others and turn a difficult situation around.  Forcing yourself to smile is one way to counteract negativity."

That was my horoscope.  Are you kidding?  Me, have a hold on my emotions?  Do they know me?Nothing could be further from the truth - 180 degrees from the truth!  About 4 weeks ago, if you had seen me you would have definitely known that was a big fat fib!  I was crying day and night, throwing myself into the bathroom rug crying and sobbing till no more tears would come.  It didn't stop there.  If someone called, I cried.  If someone hugged me, I cried, if a stranger said hello, I cried - for two weeks.

Then something happened.  I came to the realization I was not in charge of anything about my "difficult" situation.  No, not one thing.  Somehow realizing this, lightened my heart.  God gets the credit for this one cause nothing I did eased my pain.  That second week I received a little devotional book from a distant family member and began reading it each day and reading the verse that accompanied it.  That, plus prayer and prayers from many, many people have eased my heart and also my mind.

With that in mind, I began to get a grip as they say.  I began to smile again.  I started eating again.  I began to get back into my routine or get into a busier routine.  I began to relax and know that I was a part of a much bigger plan.       

So......rereading that horoscope, maybe I can make a difference on someones life just by smiling.  Or perhaps an encouraging word, or even a home cooked meal, or a card, or a hug, or just opening the door for someone at Target, or even giving up that perfect parking space to that aggressive driver (and doing it with love and a smile).

The next time you see me, I hope that you seen Grace and Love in my face.  I hope that I can be of some service to you.  That doesn't mean that there aren't "difficult" situations in my just means I am trying I am trying to counteract negativity.

Pleasant note:  Did you know my mother never used the word "lie"?  She always used the word "fib".  She was a lady in every sense of the word.

I love you and I hope you don't take this post as a "downer".  There will be more "memory" post soon.

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